Pass The P's

inside job? trump assassination plot unraveled

Dante Behanan Season 2 Episode 3

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Could the alleged assassination attempt on Donald Trump be more than what meets the eye? Join us as we scrutinize the official story and entertain the possibility of an inside job. Featuring detailed insights into Tommy Crooks, the alleged shooter, this episode challenges the notion that a seemingly average man from Pennsylvania could breach a high-security perimeter at a presidential candidate's rally. Are we witnessing another cover-up similar to 9-11? We lay out the suspicious facts, from the Secret Service’s questionable security measures to the bizarre behavior of on-site snipers, urging you to look beyond the surface-level narrative.

Hear firsthand from a brave eyewitness who spotted a man with a rifle during a political rally, only to encounter shocking lapses in security response. This gripping tale, coupled with personal anecdotes of stringent security at past events like Barack Obama’s 2008 rally, paints a vivid picture of the alarming realities at high-profile events. As chaos and urgency unfold, we pose critical questions about the integrity and effectiveness of security measures designed to protect some of the most powerful figures in the world. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation that’s bound to challenge your perspective.
Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We back in this motherfuckin' man. What's up? What's up? We back in the building once again. It's your boy, dante, with the Pass the Peas podcast. We in here, man, with another episode of Today. We got a good one for you, man. We got a good one today and it's going deep, man. It's some conspiracy stuff, bro. We gonna get back to that man. We going deep into this and we gonna talk about this Trump assassination, man and how, why. I believe it was a setup. I believe it was an inside job. It was a setup, just like 9-11.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think it was just a setup and we're going to find out why. You know what I mean. But this is episode three of season two of the Pass the Peace podcast. I'll be right back, man, get this started. So, like I said, man, we don't talk about this Trump assassination, man, was it? Was it all set up? This was all set up. I believe this was all set up. But who cares about what I believe? Because what I believe ain't factual, it ain't true for nothing.

Speaker 1:

I just like to go into things and dissect on myself, man, and kind of see what I come up with and what kind of conclusion I come up with off of that. So that's what we're gonna do today and we gonna we're gonna dive into this, we're gonna learn what, we're gonna go over what we already know. We're gonna question the things that we already know and ask ourselves is this, is this the way, is this the way it's supposed to go? Like we know. We know a lot. So, when it comes to certain things, why we act like we don't know how things supposed to go? Man, we already know how things supposed to go, the way things are going, when it look funny, when it smell funny. We know all this stuff. So why don't we react to that, you know? So that's, that's where we're going with this today, and I'm going to start off by by introducing the shooter.

Speaker 1:

What was his name? Hold on, I got it. No Crooks, tommy Crooks. Where's my paperwork on this fool year old white dude from Bethel Pennsylvania, I believe. So this guy, let's go over him a little bit. Man, they say he was kind of a loner. He was pretty much a lame in school. Pretty much a lame in school, didn't really have friends there it is, didn't really have many friends, was bullied on and all the things. You know what? I mean? Everything that fits the description of a mall shooter or a school shooter. You know One of them people that get fed up, steal their dad's gun and like, go shoot up the classroom, other people that bullied on them. You know that type of person that's. That's the type of description he so this guy. So so what y'all want me to believe?

Speaker 1:

This guy was able to breach the perimeter of a presidential candidate speaking in public, public speaking. So he breached this perimeter, got access days prior to the event. When I mean, if you think about it, days prior to the event, you would think there's all kinds of Secret Service there, like, just like getting things set up, marking the perimeter, understanding all the exit routes in case of some kind of emergency you know just things that you would expect the Secret Service to do. I mean, if you know a rally is being held here next week, you better believe the Secret Service or the police or somebody is going to be real heavy you know what I mean on the weeks coming to that event. So why was it so laxed? Why was everything so relaxed when it came to this event?

Speaker 1:

And there's a few other things that like just stands out man. And there's a few other things that just stands out man. Like, for instance, they had the guy 30 minutes before he even bust a cap on anybody. They had him pointed out and wondering who the hell he was and what was he doing wherever he was at Right. And then he just meandering around the premises.

Speaker 1:

He's not physically fit to be a Navy SEAL or nothing. It's not like he went there just undetected. He's scaling roofs and bear crawling through the tall grass with army paint all on his face and all of that. I don't believe he wasn't capable of doing any of that stuff. I don't think.

Speaker 1:

It sounds to me like he was just a lame who was bullied in school, but then it almost makes you think of some deeper state. Like was he? If he wasn? Like was he sent there by somebody? Because this is a monumental breach of security for somebody with no intelligence at all, no intelligence whatsoever as far as security or surveillance, or being a sniper or assassin, or just being undetectable and being stealth or whatever you want to call it. He ain't got no experience in that. So you mean you want me to believe that he breached this perimeter with an assault rifle, went undetected, scaled a roof, climbed a roof and then apparently jumped to another roof, got in position and took a shot that's what you want me to believe Without nobody knowing nothing, nobody being ready to do nothing With nothing. I mean, if you go back and look at the video, so there's the two snipers that's up on the roof, right behind Trump looking in the direction of the shooter, then the one sniper, he's looking in his scope.

Speaker 1:

He looks up real quick to make sure that's exactly what he's saying. He looks up real quick to make sure that's exactly what he's saying. He's like what the hell? When he looked up, it was just enough time to get the shot off, like he had him in scope. Then he looked up and then went back down and then shot right. It's like why you do that. It's like he was giving him time and this is well after.

Speaker 1:

The witness claims that he was pointing this guy out to local law enforcement and he actually said he was literally pointing to the snipers on the roof that was aiming at him. They were aiming in their direction. So he's waving his hands, pointing over here, trying to get them to look at the sniper on the roof over there and nothing happened and they were still able to get off five to eight shots or whatever, and he was able to kill one person and injure two more people, including the presidential candidate. Before he was taken down. The witness also like when they interviewed this witness, he made a couple of statements. That was Legitimate questions that need to be asked. He said why wasn't secret service on all of the roofs around here? It should have been secret service on every building around there, no matter if it was inside the perimeter or not. Like, just because it's a perimeter, do you believe that there's no security on the outside of the perimeter? You think 100% of the manpower is inside this perimeter? I don't believe that. I don't believe that. I don't believe that. So when this witness is saying stuff like I was trying to get the attention of the sniper they had their guns pointed at us I'm telling them it was somebody over there. This person still able to scale the roof. I heard there was a local police officer who did listen to the people telling them that. So he went over there and apparently he like scaled the roof by standing on top of one of his partner's shoulder.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how true this. This is all a legend. I don't know how true this is. This is all a legend. I don't know how true that is, but anyway, looked up onto the roof, saw the guy. The guy pointed his gun at him. He ducked down back off the roof. The guy proceeded to shoot at Trump. So it's just like too many. It's too many inks. It's too many inches. It's too many mistakes.

Speaker 1:

So after the shots was fired. So after the shots was fired, trump. Well, the Secret Service was so slow to respond to get up there on that stage and get him protected. And then, once they did, they sat there for a while and then, once they got up, they allowed him to do this fist pump and all this Like it wasn't a big deal, you know, like they knew that was all that was going to happen. And I'm not so sure that people in the crowd didn't know this was gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

Also, because if you go back to the video, I'm gonna keep, I'm gonna keep referring you back to the video. So if you go back to the video, you'll see the people directly behind Trump had little to no reaction at all to shots being fired. It was just not natural. I know I grew up in a very violent society and the neighborhoods I'm accustomed to are pretty much dangerous areas, so I may respond differently to gunshots than somebody else, but in the day and age we live in, where mass shootings are so prevalent and it happened every day you would think that shots ringing out what would um spark a reaction from someone. So, but if you go back and look at that video, you will see that there is little to no reaction to shots being fired from the few people right behind Trump.

Speaker 1:

One lady actually just didn't care at all. She just was so focused on getting her footage right. She just she was in a position to get the best footage out there. Ain't nobody seen that angle, ain't nobody seen nothing about that. But this lady right behind Trump had the best, best, best, best footage. And then there was two gentlemen beside her that pretty much they were having their own little conversation. Shots rang out. They really ain't behind it at all. You know, it was just like aha, whoa, what's happening, you know, just real nonchalant, like what the that only make it. It was just a lot of stuff that looks super fishy. But anyway, I want to get to this witness. Let's hear what this witness had to say Just one more time. I know if you heard the episode I did when this initially came out, when this initially popped off. I did an episode and I played the witnesses and all of that and I was all into it. But I want to hear this witness again, see what he had, see what he talking about.

Speaker 2:

So let's, who makes those?

Speaker 1:

possible each state in some community.

Speaker 2:

Now we know that, all right, here we go. And this is the breaking news for BBC of an eyewitness who says he saw the suspect climb on top of the roof, tried to signal super service and they did nothing.

Speaker 3:

Someone who was here. You weren't inside the event, but you were just outside. Tell us what you saw. Someone who was here. You weren't inside the event, but you were just outside. Tell us what you saw. So we had a party here all day. You can see behind us the Berkel's Farm and Greenhouse.

Speaker 3:

Here we had a party and we all decided, hey, you know, when we hear a chomp up there, we're going to walk up through the field, stand by the trees up there under the shade, watch the rain, listen to the rally. Right, we couldn't see him, but we could hear him. So we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of trump speaking, I'm estimating here. I have no idea, you know. But um, we noticed a guy crawling, arming you know bear, crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50 feet away from us. So we're standing there. You know we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof, and he had a gun, right, he had a rifle. We can clearly see him with a rifle. Absolutely, we're pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground. We're like, hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle. And the police are like, oh, epic, fail.

Speaker 1:

I don't care. Man Dude is believable. I believe him.

Speaker 3:

You hear what he said. Why are they not poking him off the stage? I'm standing there pointing at him for you know, two or three minutes. Secret Service is looking at us from the top.

Speaker 1:

You hear what he said After all of that. Now ain't no shots been fired yet he done, did all this pointing them out to these law enforcement and all this. Why ain't nobody relay that? Hey, it's a dude on the roof. Trump's still up there speaking. It's been three to five minutes since he saw the guy and notified the police, so it's been a few minutes. Trump's still up there speaking. Let's just keep going.

Speaker 3:

The bar. I'm pointing at that roof, just standing there like this and next thing you know, five shots were out. So you're almost certain that the shots came from that guy on the right. A hundred percent, a hundred percent. And he was up there for a couple of minutes. He was up there. He was up there for a couple of minutes Absolutely At least three to four minutes, and you were telling the police and the Secret Service.

Speaker 2:

We were telling the police.

Speaker 3:

We were pointing them out to the Secret Service, who were looking at him for the Secret Service. They were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time when we were thinking about that tree. Thanks, steve. Probably not because the roof, the way the slug went. He was behind where they could see. But why is there not Secret Service on?

Speaker 1:

all of these roofs here. I mean, this is not a big place.

Speaker 2:

The question he asked is the right question. Why wasn't Secret Service on every single roof? There's a few roofs. They should have been on there. No, they should have been on there.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy, bro. There's no way somebody should have been able to get through, get through there like that. It's no way, absolutely no way. He ain't done yet.

Speaker 3:

That was it. It was over. That's incredibly shocking. The guy was on the roof right there. You could see the white roof right there. Did you ever look at him? No, I don't think he was in.

Speaker 1:

So I I just can't believe that. So I remember I had an encounter with a presidential candidate locally here in Cincinnati. I believe it was 2008. Might have been 2007 or something like that. Barack Obama was about to become the Democratic candidate. They had the convention here in Cincinnati.

Speaker 1:

I worked at the convention center at the time doing my job. I'm going through the building, first of all. We done set up everything for the candidates to come in and like do their speeches and all that. We got all the everything set up the chairs, the stages, the, the audio, avp people got the audio and video stuff all together. We set up the little lounge areas in the back with the coffee and all this everything. We we got it all set up and all this right.

Speaker 1:

So it's the end of my shift. I'm going to put my stuff up. My boss instructed me to go to a certain part of the building and put my stuff away. So I go and I proceed to go through this area and now it's marked restricted. But I'm thinking I'm an employee here. You know I these, just regular people can't go through these doors. You know how I say like employee access only, or something like that. But there's a paper sign that just say restricted. So I go through the door. I'm not bullshitting you at all. I go through these.

Speaker 1:

Just picture this. It's a double set of doors, big double doors. Right it's leading to a hallway, like a utility hall, like full of workers, like. So it's a main hall. And then in the back of the hallway you might see little storage things or carts that might have coffee and all that on it, or linen carts or just things like that. In the back hallway, right it leads to the freight elevator. You know employee access areas, right. So I go through the double doors. Boom, doors closed behind me.

Speaker 1:

First of all, I think that's what. As I'm going through the doors, I didn't hear the door closed behind me. So I go through and I'm walking. You know I'm expecting to hear the door closed behind me. I didn't hear the door closed behind me so I thought maybe somebody came, followed me, right.

Speaker 1:

So I turn around and boom, there's a man in black. A man in black standing there Like what the? I'm like what the hell he's. Like what you doing back here? You ain't supposed to be back here. I'm like, um, I turned back to look in the direction that I was walking to tell him. I was going to this room right here to put this card up and when I turned back around, there's another secret service guy right in front of me. I have no idea where he came from. Boom, he right there in front of me. I'm like what the? So? I'm like I didn't hear the door close.

Speaker 1:

So I turn around, boom, I see the guy. I'm saying, oh shit, he's like what you're doing back here is restricted, okay. I'm like, okay, I was just heading. I'm like what the hell? I was heading here, but where he gets come from, I'm like what? So they like leave the cart right here, get up out of here. I just left the cart there and I got the fuck up out of there.

Speaker 1:

They scared the shit out of me. I don't know where the fuck they came from or where they was hiding that or none of that, but they scared the hell out of me. And I'm just saying all that to say how tight that security is. I experienced it firsthand how tight security will be for a presidential candidate. So why was this guy able to meander around this perimeter like he was running the place? It just don't make no sense. You know what it smelled like. It smelled like 9-11. It smelled like 9-11 all over again.

Speaker 1:

Because that's my number one question since law enforcement was informed about a guy on the roof, why didn't they pull Trump off the stage? They had five. They had five minutes to pull him off the stage. Why didn't they? I don't get that. That don't make sense to me. There's no way. There's just no way something like this should happen. Ever since JFK, there's no way this should happen. You would think that, hey, man, we got top notch everything. Bro. Ain't no way this can happen. It just all seemed fishy. It just all seemed fishy.

Speaker 1:

There was a very slow response from the Secret Service. They were scatterbrained. It seemed like they didn't know what the hell was going on, what to do about what was going on, what it is. When you sit back and really look at it again, it looks like they didn't know how to act, like it wasn't a setup. You know what I mean? They acting like it was a drill and not the real thing. They're like alright, alright, we don't want to go too far, it's just a drill. No, this the real deal, baby, like for the female that couldn't holster her gun back. Why are you so nervous. Why are you even holstering her? Why are you putting your gun back in the holster? Your gun need to be out, ready for whatever, because shit just hit the fan.

Speaker 1:

I mean, oh no, man, I just feel like there's no way, absolutely no way, and it just makes me feel like 9-11. I'm just skeptical, and I think we all become skeptical as each day go by. We just can't believe the shit that they tell us no more, man. We just can't believe. It's just hard to believe some things, man, cause you put a bunch of bullshit in our face and ask us to tell us to believe it, like that's just too much. It's just too much, um, so I don't get that. That's one thing I don't get. And you got all these witnesses. This witness, I don't know, nobody know his name, but he should be very, very careful because that's an ugly truth that he just put out there. Man, I don't know how people gonna take that and handle it and deal with it or whatever yeah, but that just makes you.

Speaker 1:

That just makes you wanna and handle it and deal with it or whatever. Yeah, but that just makes you want to. That just makes me. This is why I want to do this show, because I want people to know what's really real Like. What's really real out here, because each, each and every news um station network can um, paint a narrative however they want it, whatever they want you to hear. They can put it out there just just like that, just the way you want to hear it.

Speaker 1:

And what's so sad is, nowadays it don't matter if it's the truth or not. You know, people don't really care about the truth. It's all about how people feel and what's going on in their psyche, and they really everybody's just looking for confirmation. That's why all these different narratives will come out about the same situation, the same story. It's because people don't care about the truth. People want to hear people that think like they do, so, whether it's true or not, if you, if you, got the same opinion that I got about something, then we both can't be crazy. That's how people look at it and they just want confirmation that the way they feel, somebody else feel that way too. You know whether or not, it's true or not. You know like, hey, somebody out there felt like barack hussein obama was not an american, and when donald trump said that, they said man, I feel that same way. I'm glad you said that, no matter if it's a bold-faced lie or whatever the way people feel. When people said that the Clintons was in on that, what was it called? It was like a child sex ring at a pizza parlor in Washington DC or something. People didn't care if that was true or not, man, they just if you felt like I felt on it, it's got to be true. So that's how people roll with things nowadays.

Speaker 1:

But what my focus is is I want you to actually dig deep into shit and figure out for yourself what's really real. And until we do that, man, we're going to be lost. We're going to be lost in the sauce out here, man, yeah, man. So look, do me a favor. Please do your research, open your eyes, look at things from your perspective, do your research, inspector, do your research and use like a process of elimination on the bullshit so you can come to the real real and find out what's really real out here, man, because you smart enough to know it. You can determine when somebody lying, when somebody gaslighting you. You know it. So just do me that favor. And while you at it, you can like, share and subscribe, tell a friend about the show. And um, it's been real. Once again, it's your boy Dante. It's been a pass, the peace podcast, and until next time, man, peace out.

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