Pass The P's

Project 2025 Unveiled: Trump's Vision for America's Future

Dante Behanan Season 2 Episode 6

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What if the FBI became an extension of the president's will? Get ready for an unsettling exploration of Project 2025, an agenda allegedly championed by former Trump allies and the Heritage Foundation. Join me, Dante, as we unpack the alarming proposals to dismantle the FBI's independence, weaponize the Department of Justice, and rescind the 1965 Civil Rights Act, potentially bringing back workplace discrimination. We’ll also discuss the severe cuts proposed for the EPA, threatening clean energy initiatives and public health.

The stakes are high as Project 2025 also aims to give the president the power to fire over 50,000 civil employees at will, paving the way for a government run by loyalists. Despite its profound implications, public awareness is shockingly low. We'll talk about the support for Trump across diverse communities, and even touch upon a recent congressional hearing featuring figures like Ben Shapiro. This episode is a crucial call to action—educate yourself, stay vigilant, and don't let these changes unfold unchallenged. Listen, engage, and arm yourself with knowledge to make a difference.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Pass the P's podcast. This is your boy, dante. Man, let me check my check one time real quick. Make sure you're everything good. Check this out, man. I want to talk about Project 2025, man, let me check my check one time real quick. Make sure you're everything good. Check this out, man.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk about Project 2025, man. We got to talk about it, man, because I feel like they're trying to slide this in on us and they like pointing fingers and trying to make it seem like a conspiracy and all this stuff. But really, I think this is the agenda that they got for us and I ain't talking about Republicans or Democrats, I'm talking about them people, bigger than them, people. You know what I mean and I feel like this is the agenda they got for us and it's coming and they sliding it right in on us and trying to make it seem like a conspiracy. So let's talk about it, man. Project 2025. First of all, let me say that everything I'm about to go over is something that I just scrolling along and found is my opinion, how I feel about what I think I read. You would possibly go and do your own research on this. Look up Project 2025. Figure it out for yourself. See what they trying to do. Interpret it for yourself. I did that for myself and I just wanted to talk about it. So one of the first things is no.

Speaker 1:

First of all, it's funny how a lot of these people act like they don't know what's going on. When they asked about this motherfucker, be like, uh, so, donald trump, what do you think about? Um, what, what's, what's? Is it true that you in on project 2025 or not? He's like I don't know nothing about that. Everybody they asked they don't know nothing about that. But then they got all this information about all these former trump, um, uh, appointees, former um people in his cabinet, former, all these people, the heritage foundation, all these people that's in on this project 2025, but everybody acts like they don't know about it. That's some of the funniest stuff. I mean, like lately they've been talking about the oldest book in the oldest trick in the book, and like this, the same playbook, and just act like you don't know what's going on and then bam, you know I mean it's just so crazy.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, they want to. They want to dismantle the fbi, so the f acts independently right now, and they you know they not on either side. You know what I mean. No matter who the president is, the FBI acts independently, or they do investigations, independent from bias or whatever. Well, they want to change that and make the FBI basically loyal to the president, no matter none of their feelings or anything. They got to be down with the president and ride with the president, and that sounds like weaponizing the Department of Justice to me, like in your favor. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So that's crazy, man. I don't feel like people should be just standing by and letting this shit happen. But who am I? What am I going to do? You know what I mean, but talk shit about it or whatever. But anyway, that's crazy, bro, when you think of it. And then that's not even the craziest of what I came across, because that's just one thing to have a fbi loyal to the president instead of being independent and here for the justice of the american people or whatever they, they want them to be loyal to the president. That that's deep to me.

Speaker 1:

Then I come across chapter 18 in Project 2025 where I mean you got to go and read this yourself because I'm just, I just skimmed through it and all of that Not skimmed through it, but my notes I took on. It ain't in depth and you really need to go and read that shit, but anyway they they trying to eliminate discrimination and rescind the 1965 civil rights act. That's, man. I don't know how many times I'm gonna say that's crazy during this little recording, but that is crazy, man, the fact that they really think that they can um, like like they want to push us back in time and like get rid of, like um workplace discrimination laws and protection of people who are discriminated on. Like everybody you know, america is a country where there's a lot of discrimination. I mean, let's just be honest and um to to take us back to a time when employers would blatantly discriminate and only hire men, or only hire white men, you know, or never hire a black woman for anything, or you know, like to go back to that. Man, it sounds kind of unreal. You know what I mean? Mean, if you ask me, it just sound unreal and I'm like, what are we really doing out here, man? Like we like do a lot of times, I think we focus on the wrong stuff, man. We, we just focus on the wrong thing and we want to bicker and fucking argue about stuff that don't even matter when, when it be stuff right in our face and we just let it slide by, like that's crazy, like they want to.

Speaker 1:

Um, they want to make large cuts to the epa. You know, I mean, gut the clean energy plan, empower corporations um to to empower corporate polluters, shred pollution regulations and make catastrophic cuts to the EPA. That's what they want. That's what they plan to do. Back in the day, I think Obama and them made a bunch of big-time changes to the EPA, but before that, large companies were polluting them black communities like it wasn't nothing. They was fucking up the EPA. But before that, um large companies with polluting and black communities like it wasn't nothing, they was fucking up the water um the air. You know what I mean. So many people um got sick and died, and all of this because of the negligence of these large companies that was able to just pollute wherever they wanted to, and they want to take that away. They want to be in favor of these large companies and giving them the the? Um relief to be able to dispose of their waste wherever they want to.

Speaker 1:

I guess, like just to have them on they on their team and be, um, a donor or whatever, have them on a board or I don't know. I don't know. It's kind of crazy, man. Again, I said it again. Anyway, they want to check this one out. They want to end LGBTQ regulation. Quote rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender gender identity.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to read that again they want to rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Now I'm going to have to ask I mean somebody going to have to. Can you please tell me what that means? I mean somebody going to have to. Can you please tell me what that means? Because if I, if me, if I determine what that means, what I just read, it's just one word crazy.

Speaker 1:

So so you mean to tell me, as big and as powerful as this LGBTQ community is, this whole movement, that they got things done when they needed to Like, if you like, compare them to like Black Lives Matter or whatever the LGBTQ community. When they got shit to do, they get it done right, and if they got a problem with somebody or whatever, they get that handled and people be bowing down to them. They afraid of that community, like you know what I mean they powerful. So how could this powerful ass community of people be letting this slide right in on us, on them, on us, um, without, without a word from them? They ain't gonna, they ain't gonna um fight against this or nothing. Like damn, like people really don't know about this.

Speaker 1:

Everybody think this is a conspiracy or something. But because I that's what I think is going on, I think everybody really just ignoring this because they think it's a conspiracy. But I'm telling you, I think it's the agenda of the people. You know what I mean. This is them people, them big dogs, the higher-ups, like people always say the president, don't run the country. You know all this. You know what I mean. Mean them big dogs. This is their agenda to put this 20 project 2025 into um into play. Look, they want to. They.

Speaker 1:

They said they're going to schedule civil employees as f schedule to give the president the power to fire them when he wants, and that's over 50,000 employees. I think they said 50,000 employees. I think they said 50,000 civil employees will be at the hand of the president because he wants to be able to pick people that's in line with his ideology or whatever, and if they ain't on his side, they are fired. Ain't that correct, man, bro? That don't make no sense. It don't make no sense, man.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna just, I'm gonna just say it straight out this is blatant, blatant, blatant, blatant, blatant. It could be a super conspiracy, but it's blatant, it's right in our face, it's outlandish, it's disrespectful. It's in in our face, it's outlandish, it's disrespectful, it's inhumane. And it's just right here in our face and we just going to let it slide away. I mean slide on in. They just going to put it right into play Right underneath our noses. And then what? We're going to blame Kamala, we're going to blame Trump, because this shit here, right in front of us right now, and ain't nobody doing nothing about it. It should be more done. This shit made it to Congress. They up on Capitol Hill getting heated about this, going back and forth.

Speaker 1:

So where's the people at? You know what I mean Out here, I don't know what are we supposed to do Protest it? I mean, I understand the whole thing, like we got to keep Trump out of there so this don't happen. But then, if you look around, that ain't it don't seem like that's the case. That ain't happening. We're not getting people away from Trump because we mentioned in Project 2025. That's not something that's leading people away from Trump.

Speaker 1:

I'm seeing momentum building for Trump in different communities. It's not just the MAGA Republicans, now. This shit is growing. It's all kinds of black people, it's all kinds of Asians, mexicans. It's people for Trump. Now. You know what I mean. So I mean it's the same people that this Project 2025 is going to affect. So telling them about it ain't going to make them go away from Trump.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. So I don't really know what is. What is it? Can we do? What is it to be done? Besides, make a bunch of noise about this man. Everybody needs to be informed. Simple as that.

Speaker 1:

I think I don't see, no, I don't see no other way around it. Bro, I made it to Congress. Man, they up there, they up there arguing about it. They up there arguing about it. They up there arguing about it, speaking to congress. If you go and watch that congress, um, that little hearing up there that they had about it, man, these people. So they asked ben shapiro a few questions on it and I just want to ask people, is ben shapiro an alien or, or, um, some sort of artificial intelligence, some sort of AI? Because every time he'd speak or respond to something, he sounds like Siri or Alexa or like you know. He just sounds like an AI, you know, and he just looks like if you poke him he'll just like green gooey ooze a spew out of. I don't like that dude man, but anyway, y'all should go and watch that hearing on Congress about Project 2025. They grilled Mr Berry, they grilled a few people, ben Shapiro, and they ain't hold back and they got heated, man, and you should go watch it and check it out for yourself, man.

Speaker 1:

And most importantly, if you see this video or if you hear this, please go read up on Project 2025. Be aware, be informed. We got to do better people. We got to man. You need to know about this stuff, man. We need to know about this stuff, man. So go do your research and at least know what these people trying to do, man, at least just so you know what they trying to do, because they got some stuff up their sleeve that they trying to pull off on us, man. And um, it seemed like we gonna let them do it, man. It just seemed like we gonna let them get away with this, and I don't think. I don't think that's right. I don't think. I think we're better of a people than to just sit and fall for this okkey-doke like this. So let's come on, man, let's do something about this man and if you like this video, share it with somebody, like, comment, subscribe, do whatever you want to do, man, I'm just saying what I really want you to do is do your research on Project 2025 and learn something about this man.

Speaker 1:

I still got a lot to learn about it. It's a whole bunch in there, man. Like I said, it's probably like a thousand pages. It's 33 chapters. I know that for sure and I ain't even scraped the surface. So it's a lot that I got to learn about in there too. Like I said, it might be some good in there, but I I just highlight a few of the bads that I saw that are pretty bad if you ask me. But anyway, man, this was the path to peace podcast. Man, I'm your boy, dante. Man, it's been real. I love you. Peace y'all. So Thank you you.

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