Pass The P's

Debate Reactions: A Tale of Two Americas

Dante Behanan Season 2 Episode 7

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Why can't we agree on what we just watched? In this episode of "Past the Peace Podcast," I explore the baffling division among Americans, especially regarding our interpretations of recent presidential debates. How can two people watch the same event and walk away with completely different views? The answer lies in our entrenched political affiliations and the echo chambers we've built around ourselves. I break down the debates with humor and seriousness, pointing out the stark reality that our loyalty to political parties often blinds us to the actual issues at hand.

Join me as I challenge you to rethink your approach to politics and news consumption. Through clips and examples from the debates, I underscore the importance of independent research and fact-checking in this age of misinformation. If a candidate makes an outlandish claim, shouldn't we all be on the same page about its validity? The episode is a call to action for honesty and unity, inviting listeners to step out of their partisan bubbles and engage in conversations rooted in truth. Let's work together towards a more informed and united America.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. What's up, man? Welcome back to another episode of the past, the peace podcast, with your boy dante. Man, we back in the building once again. Man, we're about to break down what I got my little thoughts about the presidential debates. Man, we're going to go into some things, some funny things, some serious things, some things that didn't get covered. What's really going on? What did I see? And I want to know if you saw the same thing that I saw. I see, and I want to know if you saw the same thing that I saw.

Speaker 1:

Ok, and first of all, I want to start off by saying it is amazing how divided we are as a people. We're not. We're not. We are Republicans or Democrats. We're not the American people. The American people aren't going out to vote.

Speaker 1:

It's, I mean, it's so crazy that people have developed tunnel vision and are like literally not even willing to listen, to hear anything anybody else has to say, if it's not alone the ideology that their party represents. At some point, we're gonna have to some. Some things gonna have to change, man. We're gonna have to come together as american people and solve some of these things that we got going on, because right now, people just like blindly voting for whatever they, they party is not even really considering or listening to anything that the people are saying, because, for real, a lot of the times, the people be totally against what you want to do, but you're going to vote for them just because you're Republican, your dad was Republican, whatever or you're Democrat and your mom and dad was Democrat. You know what I mean, or whatever. You know what I mean and I feel like the more people do that, the more divided we're going to be, because you can't even watch, we can't even sit down together and watch the same thing on TV. And come away what it really was on TV and come away what it really was. We on defense, we talking about it was a gang. I was about to say gang bang, but that ain't the right word. They ganged up on them. We saying that the election was rigged.

Speaker 1:

It's always like something, instead of like being like okay, yeah, that was, that was bad, or I don't know why he said that it's like always a defense for whatever your party does. That may be like, totally wrong, like, and I think that's just bad for the country. I think that's bad for the country. Can't nobody be honest and honorable and just like, state their opinion, their fact, on something. They got to roll with the party or get rolled over, and that's crazy and that's dangerous. I don't know what we're supposed to do about that, but I got some clips and I just want to like. I just got one question Did we watch the same debate?

Speaker 1:

Did we watch the same thing? Because how could people come away with these different views on the same thing? Nobody feels like you, just automatically, I don't know, let's just listen. So that was Fox news and seeing I don't know who we supposed to listen to, who we supposed to listen to.

Speaker 1:

That's why I always say it's important that you do your own research, because it's obvious that both of these sides are sitting there and literally feeding the minds of they, their people, exactly what they want them to get from this. So it ain't like, it's like almost like, nobody's really doing their own research. They just going to these platforms and they and they listening to whatever they spewing out and that's what they going with. So like it's real people out here that believe like, listen, like, just offer some fact-checking stuff, right. I think it's important that people fact-check stuff like and you get to know the real deal about things, right?

Speaker 1:

So when you get a presidential candidate that's saying that the immigrants in Springfield, ohio, is eating cats and dogs or whatever he said, like it should be some real people out there fact checking that. And if that is not true, then both sides should be able to say that's a lie, that's not true. But nobody's willing to do that. One side wants to defend the little nonsense that he says, while the other side sits here and tries to you know what I mean throw out things to like, negate that or whatever. Like having the mayor or whoever come out and say they ain't got no reports on this. But why won't fox news say that? Why won't they call trump out and say, like bro, why, why would you say that if that's not true, man? Like because you got people that listen to you and you ain't said, why would you say that, bro? It's like, just look, let's listen to this next clip and see how dead serious he is. They tries to, they tries to correct him in the moment, but that didn't work. I mean, it's just crazy. Here's another here. So when that moment happened, nobody had nothing to say. Right, I mean all his people just running with it. Right, they just going to run with that. That's what they running with.

Speaker 1:

It's like you just going blindly, like ain't no evidence, that's what be so crazy to me. Ain't no evidence. Like don't nobody care about evidence, no more, I don't get it. I mean, call me crazy, whatever you call me, I don't get that, though. That don't make no sense to me. None, I'm sorry, but it don't. Like I said, man, we just need to learn how to hold people accountable, be honest, be honorable and stand on business. Man, we got to. Man, this stuff is too close. Man, this is like right here, right around the corner. It's too close.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everybody got a track record right. Dang it, left my drink. Anyway, everybody got a track record, right, everybody got a track record. So, and guess what else? These the only two people we got. This is we got. So, yeah, okay, kamala got a track record. People don't like that. The the decisions she has made in her in her recent past, all the way through her career, whatever. You don't like those decisions she made. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Then we got Donald Trump, who has a track record, who has pending cases right now, who's going through all kinds of shit right now, but you're saying we're supposed to trust him to run our country, like? These are the only two people we have? Right, these are the decisions. Why can't I say that shit together? Anyway, these are the decisions we have to make right now. Right, so we got to make a decision. Let's stop making excuses about why we don't like these people and let's make a decision about who we going to choose to run this motherfucking country.

Speaker 1:

Because the bickering back and forth and throwing up all these different accusations, okay, somebody is worse off than the other one and we need to figure that shit out. And I think I have figured that out and I'm willing to go ahead and go on record and say I'm going with kamala in this fight. You know, I mean because, um, I mean fuck, fuck, all the other shit she talking about, what she need to be talking about, while one one person is rambling off onto some other shit. He might have some underlying, um, medical issues going on that they just ain't told us about. But whatever, or whatever, or it's just deep, deeply rooted in him that he, he just can't shake that. That is who he is. They say when somebody show you who they are, you better believe them and all that. He can't be nobody else, but that we can't say the same thing about kamala. Kamala may actually have good heart, may actually have interest, people, the people's interest at mind, at heart, or whatever she might actually. I mean, who knows? We don't know. That's the thing. We don't know. In either case, we do not know. It's a guessing game for the most part, for everybody. And we gotta pick one of these motherfuckers and I'm telling you donald trump ain't the one. I'm telling you, yeah, you can look back.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people make all these excuses. They look back like, oh, the economy was better with, with, with donald, all of this man. There's a, there's economists, um, that's making um claims about the things he's saying, talking about putting in place. They're saying that that could be an economic disaster. That's going to be the worst thing that could possibly happen. Donald Trump's plan that was a general statement, but you can go Google that. You can Google what the economists the recent little thing that came out with the economic impact for the future, or something plan, saying that that's the worst thing that he can possibly do to the economy, with all the tariffs that he planned on putting in place and all the different things. That's what they're saying, and they're saying it could lead to an economic disaster and it'll be like I don't know, I guess a recession again or something. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But people seem to think that the way Trump ran the country before, that he would do that again and that everything would be okay again or whatever. They also like to put blame on, like, say that, the pandemic. This is my thing with the pandemic. My whole thought with the pandemic is yeah, I feel like Donald Trump mishandled the pandemic. I feel like he should have listened to people in the beginning instead of what I think was being cocky and prevent it much more.

Speaker 1:

I've heard from people that if he had listened to people early and, like safe hands to shut the country down January, that everybody would have went crazy on him and he would have got all kinds of heat from that, which might be true, but I'm saying like which one was worse. Would that have prevented the hundreds of thousands of people dying that apparently died between january and march when we finally shut the place down? And then, once we finally did shut it down, all hell broke loose. So if he had have shut it down or listened to people months prior, like when he got the info, would things have been different? I don't know, maybe could have been, that's all you can think.

Speaker 1:

But I'm saying when you, when you, when you leave out of that and you're not elected, reelected the impact from whatever happened with COVID, the impact coming into the next presidency, I mean it's on your hands. I mean you took over control in a crisis. So, yeah, the crisis wasn't caused by you, but it's handled. The handling of the crisis is now in your control. That's how I look at it. So both the trump administration and the biden administration played a major role in the covid 19 pandemic.

Speaker 1:

So let's stop. Let's stop trying to put the blame on one or the other for that. It was mishandled in the Trump administration and people can argue that it was probably mishandled in the Biden administration. Either way it go, we went through that and we had to come out of it somehow, and I think that's why this inflation thing is off the chain right now, because we went through a pandemic and neither party I guess you could say neither party knew what the fuck to do. So both parties would argue that they did what was best and in the best interest of the American people. That's what they're going to say. So let's stop comparing that. Let's stop saying that Kamala Harris and their handling in the Biden administration's handling of the pandemic was a result of the inflation, and now that's their fault, and now we can't trust them.

Speaker 1:

No, it was everybody's fault. It was both parties' fault. It was the Trump administration's fault and the Biden administration's fault if there was a problem, because what it seemed like they did is just bailed the American people out, or bailed the American economy out, and now the American economy out, and now the American people are paying for it with these high taxes, high mortgage rates, all of these different things that are affecting us, that's affecting us now, our normal everyday life. So I get that, get all of that, but at the end of the day, trump don't care about none of that. That's how I feel. I feel like Trump don't give a damn about none of that. Trump ain't't care about none of that. That's how I feel. I feel like trump don't give a damn about none of that. Trump ain't trying to hear none of that that I'm saying. Kamala ain't either. Actually, they both will never hear the words that I'm speaking, right, but I at least feel like kamala is like more in touch or more inclined to hear the arguments coming from the smaller people versus Trump, who's used to like overlooking the smaller people. If, in my mind, that makes sense, I don't know, maybe that don't make sense, and if it don't, let me know about it. I'm sure y'all let me know about it, man. I'm sure y'all let me know about it, man.

Speaker 1:

I was just ranting off a little bit because I just don't understand why people don't listen to shit for they self. They just listen to Fox News, msnbc, cnn or one of these platforms to get they shit, and that's all they listen to. Now, I'm not saying don't listen to those places, I'm just saying that's not. That can't be all you hear. You gotta do this shit the right way if you're gonna do it, and that's listening to both sides and saying what they, what, what, what is the american people saying? You gotta get the full story. So when you get the full story, you break it down and you see that, like people, just people, just like got tunnel vision, bro. People are stuck in this like loop bro. They can only see this. You know I mean everything else that they're not trying to hear it. They're not trying to hear it. They're not trying to hear it unless you in this circle. That's all they want to see. That's dangerous, bro. That's dangerous.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, man, this has been the Pass the Peas podcast. Man, it's your boy, dante. Man, I'm here with another episode. I'll be here with another one, and another one, and another one, and another one. Anyway, man, you can follow me on instagram, youtube, tiktok, twitter, facebook, all that past the peace podcast, baby y'all hold you. That was terrible, but anyway, a little side note I like the camera, man, I like the camera. This might be a game changer if I can keep this, like that Rep, my city one time, cincinnati, and his motherfucker, if you didn't know. I think I'm going to keep this, though that's some little music rock right here. We get it popping next time, man, thank you, thank you. Thank you for tuning in. It's been real, man. Love you till next time. Peace out, thank you you.

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